Once you determine which sport(s) your student will try out for, you will need to register him or her online at Athletic Clearance. All forms required for registration can be found there. Start early. Some forms need to be notarized, others need to be signed by your doctor, and there are video courses to complete prior to tryouts. Once all registration requirements have been met, you will receive an email confirmation from our AD stating your athlete is cleared to try out.
IMPORTANT: Additional Information About the EL7V Form and EL15
One of the forms you will be downloading at is the EL7V or EL15. To play with Brevard HEAT, you must be a homeschool student registered with the county school board or the state (PEP Students). These forms are used to confirm your status.
If you are new to homeschooling, you must submit a Letter of Intent to the school board BEFORE or ALONG with your EL7V. Yearly evaluations need to be current for the school board to sign off on the EL7V.
Are you registered with the county? Print the EL7V and mail or drop off the form at the county office for them to fill out and return to you. Please do not wait until the 11th hour to send in this form as it is required before your student can participate in any sport, including tryouts and practice.
Are you a PEP student registered with the state? Print out the EL15, have it notarized, and upload to Athletic Clearance.